Council tax

The amount of Council Tax you pay depends on where you live within the district, what band your property is in, and your personal circumstances.pagedmenu-ctax-graphic

The links on this page will help you to find out what the charges are, who should pay them, and how and where to do so. There are also details about some of thecircumstances in which you may not have to pay the full charge and the forms you can use to make claims for reductions.

Exemptions and reductions

    • Discounts

Council Tax bills are based on two or more residents aged 18 or over living in a property. If you live alone or with someone who isn’t included when they count the number of residents you can apply for a discount.

    • Exemptions

Some properties are exempt from Council Tax.

    • Council Tax Benefit

If you pay Council Tax there are two types of benefit you can claim: Council Tax Benefit and Second Adult Rebate. Use their online benefits calculator to see if you can claim Council Tax Benefit.

    • Disability reductions

If your home has been specifically adapted to meet the needs of a disabled resident you may be entitled to a reduction in the amount of Council Tax you have to pay.

    • Council Tax and carers

If you are a carer you, or the person you are caring for, may qualify for a reduction in Council Tax.


    • Valuation bands

The amount of Council Tax you pay depends on the valuation band of the property you live in.

    • Charges for 2006/2007

A table showing the full amounts of Council Tax payable for each band in Canterburg, Whitstable, Herne Bay and each parish in the council’s area for the period April 2006 to March 2007.

    • Parish Council charges 2006/2007

Parish precept figures.

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